Friday, February 26, 2010

Sitting, waiting, wishing

I'm tired and anxious
Alone but surrounded
Wanting but can't
Running and going nowhere
Whole but in pieces

There's something missing...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm Wishing

Sometimes I wonder...if everyone gets to love.

I can't remember the last time I had butterflies in my stomach, or couldn't concentrate because I was thinking of him, or couldn't wait to go somewhere just in case he was there...

Maybe I watch too many movies. But those ideas of love had to come from somewhere. I want to have that someone to laugh and cry with. Who I would give up sleep for, who I would rather hang out with than anyone else. And it makes me sad, because I've never had that feeling.

I want to love, but I'm starting to believe I'm never going to find that person. I haven't even found someone I like enough that I would rather hang out with them over my friends. And I'm probably over reacting because I'm still young, but I want it.

Maybe I do listen to too many love songs.